Rev. Theo van Blerk
Senior Pastor
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Thank you for visiting this website. There may be different reasons for you to visit this site.
Perhaps you are not a believer and want to know more about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Then we would like to help you get to know God as He reveals Himself to us in His Word, the Bible. Our prayer is that you will obey the calling of the Lord and believe in Him for your eternal salvation. If you desire to talk to someone, call me. My telephone number is at the bottom of this page.
Perhaps you are visiting the website because you have a desire to grow in your faith. Then we trust that you will find this a helpful resource as well. You will also see that there are plenty of opportunities in our church to hear and study the Word of God with fellow believers.
If you are a believer and are looking for a church family, my prayer is that you would take time to see what Grace Presbyterian Church believes. We want you to know that Grace Presbyterian Church holds the means of grace in high esteem and worships God according to His Word and allow in worship only that which He commands. The marks of a true church have always been the sound preaching of God’s Word, the Biblical administration of the sacraments, and the loving exercise of discipline “to restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, each one looking to yourself, lest you too be tempted.” (Galatians 6:1). Pray with us that we would always strive to be the church of God’s desire and not our own.
Finally, the sermons are streamed every Sunday on Facebook, YouTube and SermonAudio.com if you want to listen to it. If you have any questions about the church, its beliefs, or its ministries, please email us at pastortheovb@gmail.com, or call me at (352) 629-1537. May the Lord provide your every need.
In His Service,
Theo van Blerk
Senior Pastor
Rev. J.A.T (Theo) van Blerk Pastor Theo van Blerk was born and raised in South Africa. He was raised by Christian parents, Gert and Rina van Blerk. He professed his faith at the age of sixteen in the Reformed Church of Reddersburg, that is part of the Reformed Churches in South Africa. After he graduated from high school, he studied at the Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education.
He graduated with a Bachelor’s degree, majoring in Industrial Psychology and Industrial Sociology, after which he finished graduate studies in Industrial Sociology. He ignored the calling of the Lord twice, but in 1985 he could not ignore the conviction that he was called to ministry any longer. He started his Theological Studies and graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Theology and finished, what was then called a Candidates Degree in Theology, which in the USA, is the equivalent of the M.Div.
At university he met Lidia in the university choir. They have been happily married since December 15, 1984. Pastor Theo served two churches in the Reformed Churches in South Africa, Magol Reformed Church, and Wapadrant Reformed Church. The Lord called him and his family to ministry in the USA in 2002. He served in Meadow Creek Presbyterian Church (Westminster Presbytery) and Harvestwood Presbyterian Church (Blue Ridge Presbytery) until he was called to Grace Presbyterian Church (Central Florida Presbytery) at the end of 2019, where he is currently serving. He just celebrated thirty years of fulltime ministry. Through all these years Lidia has been a faithful partner in ministry.