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jAMES 5.16

Prayer & Praise Requests

Praise Report


Deirdre Brand

Thanks to the Lord, Deirdre’s

mother’s surgery (knee replacement) went well.

Let Us Pray for:


Joe and Polly Smith

Jill Smith (daughter of the late Joe and Polly Smith)

passed away this past weekend. Reason of death is still undetermined.

Please pray for the surviving family.


The Blaire Family

That God lead them to the home He has for them.


Laurie Baluyot

Her sister Samantha Kanuck needs wisdom,

discernment, and strength regarding issues

with a condominium in South Florida.


Greg and Lorraine Tighe

Emma's surgery was postponed due to Covid exposure,

and it is now scheduled for early August 7, 2023.


Pastor Theo

Continued prayer for his brother Chris.


Brenda Vernam

Her niece Lois is struggling with

stage four liver and colon cancer.


Kathy Cool

Her uncle Jonas Porter is being

treated for lung and liver cancer. 


Brigitte Anglin

Her brother Ralph Mueller’s cancer

still persists, requiring additional surgeries.

Pray for healing as well for his salvation.


Barbara Specht

Continue to keep Barbara Specht in your prayers,

as she continues to grieve for her son Scott.

Also pray for a speedy recovery.



Sherry Dennis, Olive Drake, Leona Droppa,

Elaine Gorman, June Mansfield, Jim Wetz, Patricia Pucek




GraceWay Academy

Staff, teachers, students & families.


Trail Life USA and American Heritage Girls

Staff, activities, and students.


our Missionaries


Rick & Betty Aschmann



Donald & Claire-Lise Cobb


Pray that Claire-Lise’s visa situation will be resolved.


Robert & Debbie Hale

Central & West Africa


Satoshi & Cally Kawachi


Dhan & Dolly Lee

Zimbabwe, Africa


Jean Legters



Marcus & Niffer Love

Wycliffe Bible Translators, England,


Amjad & Sarah Mahand

London, England


Albert & Judy Nuñez

Bolivia, Chile, Perú


Annie Pillai

North India


Joel & Stephanie Swanson



Josh & Erin Verdonck

Papua New Guinea.



pray for the Leaders of our Nation

and Our Men & Women:


Serving in the Armed Forces, Law Enforcement & Firefighters.

Please pray specifically for the work challenges our local firefighters face in Ocala.

Need Prayer?

Let us know your request and we will get the GPC congregation to beseech the Lord on your behalf.

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